Flourish and Return to Wholeness

Providing coaching and spiritual support to transform the emotional, physical, spiritual and ancestral challenges of individuals and organizations.

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What Clients are Saying

Julissa Darden, COO, Coach and Facilitator

I was trained at the Coaches Training Institute in 2002. I transitioned from a high level thought partner in strategic initiatives in the healthcare and educational institutions to the COO and Life Coach of HighDep Wellness in 2022. For numerous years, I studied under Nana Sakara learning and innovating various spiritual modalities that assist in physical, emotional, spiritual, past life, and ancestral healing.  

My path to Spiritual Integration Coaching started with a passion to help people be their best selves, starting with me! I was in a job that paid very well, but didn’t serve me, my husband and I were always in an argument and couldn’t nobody tell me nothin’ because I was always right. Plus, I was a perfectionist and constantly overwhelmed because I had a tape playing in my head from my father saying, “excuses only satisfy those who make them.” So, when I met Nana Sakara, I was a high functioning mess.

Before Nana Sakara transitioned, I was fortunate to learn the Ma’at Self Mastery Program, the Spiritual Hygiene Process, Ancestral Healing through powerful prayer, the Sai San Jeeveni healing program, the Ma’at Emotional Clearing Process, become a Holy Fire Reiki Master, Master Dowser, Ho’ Oponopono, assist the Angelic realm, Ascended Masters and other Beings of Light in healing myself and others, and use the IChing Artwork System for emotional balance. Now, I’ve combined these solutions for healing humanity and situations with my training in coaching. 

In a session with me, we get to the core of an issue through appreciative inquiry. I bring clarity, candor, fun, insight and higher understanding, but instead of talking about it repetitively, we heal it. Instead of playing a mental game to convince yourself of self improvement, we are peeling the onion to heal issues and create the space for new ways of being to emerge from your higher consciousness. When you choose to consistently work with me, you will learn the tools and have the support to embody higher vibrational thought patterns that serve you. 

It’s time to integrate and embody the practices that deepen your personal growth, reestablish your response flexibility, increase self love and access divine levels of consciousness. This is not magic. You are required to be active in your healing. And together, we will establish true transformation with new perspectives, allowing for innovative solutions unique to your situation. 

If you’d like to learn more, schedule a complimentary 20 minute session and we can see if this work meets your needs. I am seeking to work with those ready to explore the deep and face the hard questions.  I am not the coach for you if you don't believe that God, Angels, Other Beings of Light and our Divine Ancestors are assisting us on this path. 

Spiritual Integration Coaching

If you’ve landed here, you’ve probably already gotten multiple synchronistic messages that it’s time for significant change to emerge. What you’ve tried so far has had some impact, but perhaps not quite the results you’ve been desiring. Inside, you know there is more and it is possible to heal from this.

As your Spiritual Integration Coach, I co-facilitate the removal of energetic blocks to your well being. I provide the tools and support for you to shift to higher vibrational thought patterns that serve you. 

I am seeking to work with those ready to explore the deep and face the hard questions. I bring clarity, candor, fun, insight and higher understanding. I am not the coach for you if you don't believe that God, Angels, Other Beings of Light and our Divine Ancestors are assisting us on this path. 

It’s time to integrate and embody the practices that deepen your personal growth, reestablish your response flexibility, increase self love and access divine levels of consciousness. This is not magic. You are required to be active in your healing. And together, we will establish true transformation with new perspectives, allowing for innovative solutions unique to your situation. 

Learn the tools to remember, build and sustain your self love, integrity and divinity.

Book a 20 min Complimentary Consultation

Life Coaching

Guiding you to make, meet and exceed goals personally and professionally.

Consciously choose to face crucial life questions with the intent of bringing forth and operating from your higher self.  Learn to recognize limiting beliefs and make more conscious decisions.  

Coaching and Facilitation for Professionals and Organizations

For Professionals

Sustaining professional growth and accomplishing your goals requires the deep introspection of high functioning individuals. Go deep and acquire the necessary tools to balance your grind.

For Organizations

Through group workshops and customized sessions, assess and resolve individual and collective blocks to create psychologically safe work environments where everyone’s constructive candor is expected and protected. Build teams based on vulnerability and trust, mastering conflict, and embracing accountability with a keen focus on results. 

From visualization to practical action planning, and strategizing, I facilitate large and small collaborative groups in creating clear roadmaps, to achieve their goals.

I provide individual, group, executive, leader, manager, stakeholder and constituent coaching on new ways of being and perspectives that support their highest and greatest good and that of the collective.

You can expect:

Emotional Recovery




Self Love & Clarity

Increased Alignment & Effectiveness

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